
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2021
  The Uncomfortable Friday The Khutbah had already started. She knew that she was late, but she wanted to attend the Jumuah prayers anyway. She quickly picked up her baby and stepped anxiously into the Masjid, looking to the right and the left. After all, this was the first time she was here; she had just moved to the area and didn’t know anybody. As she sat down in the Sister’s Prayer Hall with the baby in her lap, her heart was thumping in her chest. She could feel curious eyes turn in her direction, but she stared hard at the ground, too nervous to meet their gaze and tried to concentrate on what the Imaam was saying. But her baby was nervous too. He didn’t know this new place….all these new faces, all the curious eyes. He had never been in a Masjid before. He wanted to go home. She knew her baby would be uncomfortable in the new setting, but she thought she could manage. She herself had not been very ‘practicing’ all her life, but now that she was a mother herself, she felt the imp